Sep 7, 2009

Dads Inc.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Daddy Defense
I've debated on whether to write this post or not. I don't want to give publicity to the subject of this post. But the subject is just so sad and uninformed that I feel like I need to.

You see, the other day, through a contact on Twitter, I found a link to a blog called: Do Children NEED fathers?, whose author wishes to, "expose the myths pertaining to fatherless children through this blog. Children do not NEED a father, they need at least one caring emotionally capable person to care for them. If that child can have two and those two happen to be mother and father, then great. A child does not NEED a father if that father is bad."

What the author does is recount in vague details the biography of someone who didn't always have a father in his/her life. Then at the end of the 2-3 paragraphs, you find out that it is a description of someone important historical figure. The point is that a kid CAN grow up to be smart, successful or famous without a father. A point I don't argue.

What I do take exception with are 4 problems with her posts, which I will detail. (Read More....)

To clarify in case those who cannot or will not click no my "about me link, here is what it says:

Kids Needs Dads?
Gender: Male
About Me
Children need money in order to succeed and be cared for, children do not need a father if that father is bad.

My Blogs Team Members
Do Children NEED fathers?

Blogs I Follow
Dastardly Dads

My name is George, NOT pleased to meet you, if all you will do is state the propaganda spread by most women haters. The reason this blog is here is to balance the anti-woman venom that is so prevalent on the Internet. Contrary to what this blog owner states and thinks - I am not missing my own father, I had both of my parents. I simply have seen the recent anti-mother and anti-woman hatred spewing forth on many websites and have in my own way decided to counteract that hate.

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