Jun 22, 2009

Dad charged with burning son with cigarette, putting him in clothes dryer (Edwardville, Illinois)

Dad charged with burning son with cigarette, putting him in clothes dryer (Edwardville, Illinois)

Father charged with burning son with cigarette, putting him in clothes dryer


EDWARDSVILLE -- An Edwardsville man went to jail on Father's Day on charges that he burned his toddler son on the cheek with a cigarette and put him in a clothes dryer.

Derek T. Hill Sr., 21, of 3633 Edwardsville Road, was arrested Sunday on a charge of aggravated battery of a child. The child's mother, Eva E. Hill, 27, was also arrested on the same charge. She is accused of knowing about the abuse but doing nothing to stop or prevent it.

Madison County sheriff's deputies went to the Hill home about 11:15 a.m. Sunday after social workers were informed that the 2-year-old boy was being physically abused.

At the home, the Hills allowed police to see their other child, a 1-year-old, but claimed the 2-year-old was with relatives in Kentucky. Later in the day, authorities received information that the Hills had hidden the 2-year-old during the visit from police.

Deputies then located the Hills and the 2-year-old.

Sheriff's Capt. Brad Wells said the child had a burn from a cigarette on his cheek, and it was "very obvious" that the child had been physically abused. Wells said the 2-year-old was put into the dryer a few days ago for an unknown length of time.

"The information from them is that they didn't turn the dryer on," Wells said. "From what we understand, it was at least a minute, but may have been longer."

Wells said the child was put into the dryer "at least once" and was beaten at least once with a belt.

Wells said the abuse happened while the father was watching the children, while the mother would go to work at a temporary agency.

"The mother knew of the abuse when she came home," Wells said. "The abuse, we believe, had been occurring over a period of about three weeks."

He described the home as "very filthy."

Both children were put into protective custody by the state Department of Children and Family Services.

The Hills were in jail Monday afternoon with bail set at $50,000 apiece.

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